Graduate and Intern Students Positions. Welcome on board!
方向 I:智能感知系统平台
iSensing Systems: intelligent Sensing Systems
1. 面向多种机器人感知通道(视觉,听觉和触觉等)的环境感知算法设计,包括基于经典的特征提取算法,深度机器学习算法和多模态信息融合算法。
2. 机器人系统感知硬件集成和优化,包括采用FPGA和嵌入式GPU等高能效计算设备实现算法优化。
3. 针对复杂的的动态非结构环境,设计面向机器人等无人驾驶系统的智能感知应用,包括定位导航,目标识别跟踪,以及自然人机交互。
Keywords: 机器视觉, OpenCV, 立体视觉, 三维重建, 信息融合, 深度机器学习, FPGA, Verilog, GPU, 定位导航, 路径规划, SLAM, 多种传感器集成
方向 II:高能效感知计算架构和未来智能集成传感系统
Future Sensors: Perceptual Computing Architectures and Integrated Circuits
1. 算法设计和评估,采用新型计算架构后对算法精度结果的影响,以及算法的优化。
2. 新型计算架构设计和实现,包括近似计算和物理计算。
Keywords: 机器视觉, 深度机器学习, 科学计算, 近似计算, 物理计算, 电路仿真, 混合信号集成电路设计, 数字集成电路设计, Matlab, C++
20170425 Congrats!
Analog-to-Information signal processing method and integrated circuits are adopted as the energy efficient implementation for Neural Network tasks.
Kaige Jia(Master student, THU), etc. "AICNN: Implementing Typical CNN Algorithms with Analog-to-Information Conversion Architecture", ISVLSI 2017.
Hong Liu(Master student, THU), etc. "AIsim: Functional Simulator for Analog-to-Information Perceptual Systems", ISVLSI 2017.
20170218 Congrats!
Qin Li(Ph.D. student, THU), etc. "From 'MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE' to Mission Possible: Fully Flexible Intelligent Contact Lens for Image Classification with Analog-to-Information Processing", ISCAS 2017.
This is a co-authored paper with Prof. Xing Wu's group, from Shanghai Key Laboratory of Multidimensional Information Processing, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.
20170214 Congrats!
Yuanchang Chen(Master student, THU) and Yizhe Zhu(Intern student, BUPT), etc. "Evaluating Data Resilience in CNNs from an Approximate Memory Perspective", GLSVLSI 2017.
20161031 Congrats!
Xinghua Yang(Ph.D. candidate, THU) and Nanyang Huang(Intern student, BUPT), as joint first authors, "A priority-based selective bit dropping strategy to reduce DRAM and SRAM power in image processing", IEICE Electronics Express.
20160416 Congrats!
Make dreams come true. Computable flexible circuits and systems for coming wearable electronics. Nan Wu(Undergraduate student, THU) and Zheyu Liu(Ph.D. student, THU), as joint first authors, “A Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Implementation of Difference-of-Gaussian with Flexible Thin-Film Transistors”,ISVLSI 2016.
20160301 Congrats!
Collaboration work published. Approximate computing methods have been adopted to process remote sensing data. Yuanfeng Wu(Associate Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Xinghua Yang(Ph.D. candidate, THU), "Approximate Computing of Remotely Sensed Data: SVM Hyperspectral Image Classification as a Case Study", IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING.